Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Camp Bighorn Day 56 8/14/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 56 8/14/2010

My Camp Bighorn adventure came to an end today. I woke up at 7:15 am. We all gathered in the lodge for devotions at 7:30 am. After devotions we all gathered for announcements. After announcements I headed to my cabin to get ready for the day. Then I headed to the office for our administration meeting. We talked about what we all would be doing that day. I told Jeremy and Dianna what was going on with my dad. I told them I was pretty sure I was heading home for the summer. We ended our meeting with a time of prayer. They both prayed for me and my family. When we finished the meeting I got the mail out before heading to the lodge to get some breakfast. We had pancakes for breakfast. They were great. It was fun to catch up with people around the tables. It was fun to hear what some people had planned for the day. After breakfast I got the mail sorted and distributed. When I finished the mail I called my mom to see how things were going at home. She said things were going alright. Dad was in the hospital waiting to have surgery on Tuesday. We decided that would pack up and come home that day. I told Luke and Andrea and Jeremy and Sarah I was heading home that afternoon. I got all of my stuff packed up and in my truck. Janelle and Andrea helped my get my stuff packed in my truck. I talked with Luke and Andrea and got the check for the support I had raised. I waited around for a little while to say goodbye to my friends at camp. I said goodbye to my friends and left camp at about 1:45 camp time. The drive home was quite uneventful. I stopped for lunch in St Regis. Then I drove the rest of the way home. I got home at around 4:15 Spokane time. I got my truck unpacked and called camp to let them know I was home ok. It was really nice to be home. It was great to see my mom. My time at Camp Bighorn was done. I had a really great time at camp. I am glad to be home. That’s all I have to say about my summer at Camp Bighorn.

Camp Bighorn Day 55 8/13/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 55 8/13/2010

My final full day at Camp Bighorn be like any other day. I woke up at 7:15 am. We all gathered in the lodge for devotions at 7:30 am. After devotions we all gathered for announcements. After announcements I headed back to my cabin to get ready for the day. When I was ready for the day I headed to the office for our administration team meeting. In the meeting we talked about what everyone would be doing during the day. We ended the meeting with a time of prayer. After the meeting I got the mail out and then headed to the lodge to get some breakfast. We all enjoyed some great food and fellowship around the tables. It was fun to catch up with people and hear what they had planned for the day. After breakfast I talked with Janelle. We talked about going to the Circle for ice cream after lunch. When we finished talking I headed to the office to see what was going on there. I got the mail sorted and distributed. I checked some things on my computer. I checked e-mail and facebook. I covered the phones. I talked with people in the office. I was in and out of the office until lunchtime. I got permission from Jeremy and Sarah to go in to Plains for a while in the afternoon. We all gathered in the lodge for lunch. It was fun to hear about what some people had been up to all morning. After lunch I caught up with Janelle and we decided to go get ice cream at around 3:00 pm. I went back to the office for a little while to take care of some things. Janelle and I headed into town at around 3:00 pm. We had a good talk driving into Plains. We stopped at the store to get something’s for the kitchen at camp. When we finished at the store we headed to the Circle to get some ice cream. We had a good time. It was fun to hang out and talk with Janelle for a while. She is a very good friend. We had a good talk. When we finished at the Circle we headed back to camp. We got back to camp at around 5:00 pm. When we got back I headed into the office to see what was going on there. Jeremy and Sarah left a little while after I got back. I was heading to my cabin to take a nap when Ruben found me and said my Dad was on the phone for me in the office. I was a little surprised that my Dad would be calling at that time. I got on the phone and my Dad told me he had some shocking news. The news was that he had just had a cardiologist appointment and after an echocardiogram they discovered that he had an aneurism on his ascending aorta. He was told to get to the hospital ASAP. He was driving home when he called me. We talked about how serious his condition was. He was told that if he was not in the hospital and the aneurism burst he would die. He told me he was going home to meet my mom and then they would be going to the hospital. I was shocked and scared by the news that my dad had this major issue. Before I got off the phone I told my dad to call me back if there was anymore news. When I heard all of this all I wanted to do was go home. Suddenly I felt like I was really far away from my parents in their time of need. When I got off the phone I talked with people around camp and told them the news about my dad. I talked with Tom and Terry Collins first. It was nice to know that so many people at camp were praying for my dad and my family. I called my mom a little while later. Mom and Dad were still home when I called. They did not get to the hospital until later that afternoon. I was already making plans to go home at this point. My mom did not want me to come home that night me because I was to emotional to drive safely. She told me to stay at camp for the night and decide what to do next in the morning. We all gathered in the lodge for dinner. The rest of the night is a bit of a blur because I was having trouble focusing on anything at camp. After dinner I got a soda and listened to music on my Ipod for a while. It was nice to just sit and listen to music and think and pray for a while. I listened to my dad and my aunt Fran sing and play the piano. Listening to that music made me feel closer to my dad. After I listened to music for a while I talked with people around camp. I told Trina and several others about my dad. They all said they would be praying for us. I talked with Trina for a while. She prayed for my dad and my family. Then I headed into the lodge. I told some more people about my dad. Jocelyn and several other girls gathered around and prayed for me and my family. It was nice to know that people were praying for my family. When we finished praying we talked a little longer then I headed to my cabin to get some sleep. I went to sleep thinking about what was in store the next day. More on that later…

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Camp Bighorn Day 54 8/12/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 54 8/12/2010

The adventure continues. I woke up at 7:15 am. We all gathered in the lodge for devotions at 7:30 am. We went through the reading for the day in our devotional books. The reading for the day was called “Liberated Worship.” The main scripture for the day was Matthew 21:1-11. The reading talked about the concept of being liberated in worshipping God. After devotions we all gathered for announcements. Everyone was excited to hear what their jobs would be during the camp that was starting that afternoon. Dave read everyone’s jobs for the week. After announcements I went back to my cabin to get ready for the day. When I was ready for the day I headed to the office for the administration team meeting at 9:00 am. In our meeting we talked about what we would all be doing this week. It was good to hear about peoples plans for the week. We closed our meeting with a time of prayer. After our meeting I got the mail out to the box before heading to the lodge to get some breakfast. We all enjoyed some great food and fellowship around the tables. It was fun to hear about what some people had planned for the day. After breakfast I came back to the office and waited for the mail. When the mail arrived I got it all sorted and distributed. When I finished with the mail I came back to the office. I was pretty much in and out of the office until lunch time. I answered the phones. I worked on my computer. I checked e-mail and facebook. I talked with people in the office. Then it was time for lunch. We all gathered in the lodge to get something to eat. It was fun to catch up with some people and hear what they had been up to all morning. After lunch I came back to the office and worked at my computer and covered the phones for a while. Andrea and I talked about the information I need to include in a letter about my time at Camp Bighorn. This letter is an update on my time at Bighorn for everyone on my mailing list. I have all the information I need for the letter I just need to put it all together. When I finished talking with Andrea I worked at my computer for a while. I was mostly in the office until around dinner time. I worked at my computer. I covered the phones. I headed over to Jeremy and Sarah’s house at around 6:30 pm for dinner. We had a really great time. We had nacho’s for dinner. They were great. We watched a Gaither DVD while we ate dinner. When we finished dinner we watch “The Princess Bride.” It was really fun to just hang out with Jeremy and Sarah. I was at their house until about 10:00 pm. I left their house and headed back to camp. I got back to camp at about 10:20 pm. When I got back to camp I wandered around and talked with some people. Then I headed to my cabin to get some sleep. I went to sleep thinking about the adventures in store for us in the next few days. More on that later…

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Camp Bighorn Day 53 8/11/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 53 8/11/2010

My Camp Bighorn adventure continues. I woke up at 9:00 am. It was nice to get some extra rest. I got up in time to get the mail out to the box before heading to the lodge to get some breakfast. We all enjoyed some great food and fellowship around the tables. It was fun to hear about peoples plans for the day. Julie made the announcement about the plan for the girls to gather at her house for a movie. After breakfast I came back to the office to take care of the mail. I got the mail sorted and distributed. When I finished with the mail I came back to the office to work at my computer and cover the phones. I typed up three blog entries from previous days. It was nice to get caught up on my blog. By the time I finished my entries it was almost time for me to head to the lodge to help get lunch ready. I headed to my cabin to get ready for the day. I got to the kitchen at about 1:15 pm. Most of the work was already being done. I wandered around the kitchen looking for something to do. I came back to the office just before lunch to post the three blog entries I typed up earlier. We all gathered for lunch at around 2:00 pm. It was fun to hear about what some people had been up to all morning. Julie made a reminder announcement about the movie. After lunch I came back to the office for a little while to check some e-mail and facebook. We started getting ready for the movie at around 3:00 pm. We all gathered at the Z’s house at about 3:30. We all stocked up on movie stacks and started “Ann of Green Gables” at about 3:45 pm. All of the summer staff girls that are still at camp watched the movie together. It was really fun to spend the afternoon together. We finished the movie at about 7:15 pm. When I had my stuff packed up and I said good bye I headed back to camp for dinner. I got back to camp at about 7:30 pm. I went to my cabin to drop my stuff off before heading to the lodge to get some dinner. I was late for dinner, but I was still able to fid something to eat. After dinner I listened to music on my IPod for a while. I came back to the office and called my parents at about 9:00 pm. They did not answer the phone so I left a message for them to call me back later. I checked e-mail and facebook. I had a good talk with Jen. I asked her if she wanted to go get some ice cream at the Circle before I left town in a couple weeks. She said she would love to but she would not be around. She is taking a much needed break from camp. She has been a good friend to me while I have been here at camp. We talked for a while. Then my parents called. It is always good to talk with my parents. We had a good talk. I am looking forward to seeing them in less then two weeks. We talked until about 10:30 pm. When I got off the phone I shut down my computer and headed out of the office for the night. Before I left the office I talked with Jen for a little while longer. We talked until about 11:00 pm. We said our goodbyes. It was hard to say goodbye to Jen. I will miss her around camp a lot. I am glad she is getting the break and rest she needs. I hope her time away is good for her. I headed to my cabin to get some sleep. I went to sleep thinking about the adventures that are in store for us in the next few days. More on that later…

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Camp Bighorn Day 52 8/10/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 52 8/10/2010

The adventure continues. I woke up at 9:00 am. It was my day off. It was nice to get some extra rest in the morning. I got up in time to get the mail out to the box before heading to the lodge to get some breakfast. We had French toast for breakfast. It was great. It was fun to catch up with people around the tables and hear about their plans for the day. After breakfast I caught up with the achieve group. The kids were all getting ready to head back home. It has been great to have them all here at camp for a few days. They all had a great time. I headed back to the office to get the mail sorted and distributed. When I finished with the mail I hung around with the achieve group for a while. I came back to the office for a little while. The achieve camp was over at 11:30 when the last camper headed home. When everyone was gone I headed to my cabin to get cleaned up and ready for the day. When I was ready I came back to the office and checked a few things on my computer. Then I headed in to Plains for a while. I left camp at around 1:30 pm. I went to lunch at Subway. I had a nice quiet lunch. It was good to get away from camp for a little while. When I finished eating I headed to the grocery store to get some batteries and then the hardware store to get a small tarp. When I finished in town I headed back to camp. I got back to camp around 3:00 pm. I dropped off the tarp and batteries in my cabin. I talked with Faith for a while in the cabin. Then I headed to the office to work on my computer for a while. I walked in and saw Trina sitting at the desk and remembered we were supposed to hike up to the cross after lunch. I totally forgot about that plan before I headed in to town. We talked and decided to just go later that afternoon. We headed up to the cross at around 4:30 pm. The hike up to the cross took about an hour. It was nice to hang out and talk with Trina for a while. We got to the cross at a little after 5:00 pm. We sat up there and talk and rested until about 6:00 pm. We deiced to go to the Circle drive in for dinner when we got back to camp. We got back to camp at 7:00 pm. We headed out at about 7:15 pm. Trina stopped at the store to pick up a few things for camp. Then we went to dinner. We had a really great time just eating and chatting. It was nice to spend the afternoon and evening together. When we got to the Circle we saw Dianna. She was there waiting for Elizabeth. She sat with us for a few minutes. Then Elizabeth got there and they went to their table. We eat our dinner and then had ice cream for dessert. It was very nice. We headed back to camp around 9:00 pm. We had a nice drive back to camp. We got back around 9:30 pm. I headed to my cabin to get ready for bed. I came back to the office and worked on a blog entry for a previous day. When I finished with that I shut down my computer and left the office for the night. I walked around camp and talked to people for a while. Then I headed to my cabin to get some sleep. I talked with the girls in my cabin before going to sleep. I went to sleep thinking about the adventures that are in store for us the rest of the summer. More on that later…

Camp Bighorn Day 51 8/9/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 51 8/9/2010

The adventure continues. I woke up at 7:15 am. We all gathered in the lodge for devotions at 7:30 am. We went through the reading for the day in our devotional books. The reading for the day was called “Example Setters.” The main scripture for the day was Hebrews 13:5-17. The reading talked about our desire for good relationships. It talked about the importance of good solid friendships in our every day lives. The friendships you begin at camp will hopefully be lifelong. After devotions and announcements I headed to my cabin to rest for a little while and then get ready for the day. I got the mail out to the box before heading to the lodge to get some breakfast. It was fun to catch up with some people and hear about their plans for the day. After breakfast I came back to the office and waited for the mail to arrive. When the mail finally arrived I got it all sorted and distributed. When I finished with the mail I came back to the office. I got most of the pictures from the achieve camp from Jen and put them on my computer and the camp hard drive. I found pictures of each kid with one of their leaders to use for making one of the crafts for the day. Each kid made a picture frame out of twigs. I got the pictures all printed and cut out. I gave them to Mary Russell for the kids to use. I came back to the office and worked at my computer for a while. I checked e-mail and facebook. I had a long talk with Jeremy and Sarah. We talked about how many pictures they want me to put up on facebook. We cleared up some confusion on what they expect me to do with facebook and some other things. We had a really good talk. It is nice to know that they appreciate what I am doing. We talked until just before lunch. We all gathered in the lodge for some great food and fellowship. It was fun to hear about what some people had been up to all morning. After lunch I came back to the office for a while. Then I headed to my cabin to take a nap. I woke up around 5:00 pm and came back in to the office. I was in and out of the office until dinner. We all gathered in the lodge to get something to eat. It was nice to catch up with some people around the tables and hear about what hey had been up to all day. After dinner I had a soda and some dessert. I had chocolate chip mint ice cream. It was great. After dinner I walked around camp and talked with people. I came in to the office at about 9:30 pm to call my parents. When my mom called me back we had a good talk. I talked with them for about an hour. It is always good to talk with my mom and dad. I am looking forward to seeing them in two weeks. When I got off the phone with them I headed to my cabin to get ready for bed. When I was ready for bed I caught up with Julie and talked with her and some other girls for a while. Then I headed to my cabin to go to bed. I went to sleep thinking about the adventures that are in store for us for the next two weeks. More on that later…

Camp Bighorn Day 50 8/8/2010

Camp Bighorn Day 50 8/8/2010

My Camp Bighorn adventure continues. I woke up at 7:15 am. We all gathered in the lodge for devotions at 7:30 am. We went through the reading for the day in our devotional books. The reading for the day was called “The Sacrament of Life.” The main scripture for the day was 1 Peter 4:7-11. The reading talked about the idea that all jobs at camp are important and necessary. It talked about jobs that may seem more spiritual then others. The main point of the reading was that every job at camp no matter how big or small is important. After devotions we all gathered for announcements. When we finished announcements I headed back to my cabin and rested until breakfast. We all gathered in the lodge for breakfast at 9:15 am. We all enjoyed some great food and fellowship around the tables. It was fun to hear about what people had planned for the day. After breakfast I came into the office for a while to check e-mail and facebook. Then I headed to my cabin to get cleaned up and ready for the day. I met up with the achieve group around noon I hung around with them off and on until lunchtime. They were playing games and making crafts for most of the morning. They played hide and seek. All the kids really enjoyed that game. When they finished playing they headed to the tent for craft time. The craft for the day was making silly putty. All the kids had a great time making this craft. I came back to the office to work on something until lunchtime. We all gathered for lunch in the lodge at around 2:00 pm. I hung around with the achieve group and rested after lunch. I met up with them again at around 4:00 pm. I headed out with the achieve group to go rafting around 4:30 pm. Everyone had a great time on the rafting trip. It was really cool to see the kids enjoy their rafting experience. That trip was really fun for all of us. We finished our rafting trip and were back to camp in time for dinner. We all gathered in the lodge for some great food and fellowship around the tables. It was fun to hear about what people had been up to all day. After dinner it was chapel and game time for the achieve kids. They were playing baseball. The kids had a lot of fun with that game. After I watched the game for a while I came in to the office to work at my computer for a while. I worked on a blog entry. My mom called at around 10:00 pm. I talked with my parents until it was almost time for curfew. When I got off the phone I shut down my computer and left the office for the night. I headed to my cabin to get some sleep. I talked with some of the girls in my cabin before going to sleep. I went to sleep thinking about the adventures that are in store for us the rest of the summer. More on that later…